[nycphp-talk] Fw: TA04-033A: Multiple Vulnerabilities inMicrosoftInternet Explorer

Dave Callaghan dcallaghan at
Wed Feb 4 10:17:44 EST 2004

> Speaking of which, how many of you use linux as your primary desktop?

Linux is my primary desktop at home for personal use, on my laptop for development work and also as my personal business computer for securities. At my current contract job, their environment is Windows 2K, but I use as many FLOSS applications as I can.

There is give and take with some of these scenarios. At work, for instance, people see me using Mozilla and just can't get enough of tabbed browsing. I find it very difficult to use IE at this point. As far as OpenOffice goes, I send out finished documents in PDF. Managers love this. Also, I save slideshows to Flash and then save it to a flash key drive (or whatever those USB devices are called), and they fall all over themselves. I told the sales guys about a web site that brands them with your corporate logo and they all want Open Office now. I code with Emacs on Windows.

However, I really can't live without Pivot Tables. I know not everyone uses them, but for those who do, you can't live without them. Same goes for its interoperability with SQL Server. Its also the same reason why I use Access. Its not sufficiently powerful for what I do as a database engine, but its a nice front end to SQL Server. Its just quicker than typing SQL into Query Analyzer. So at this stage, I really need both packages for some tasks.

For personal business, OpenOffice and Evolution, combined with GNUPG, give me all the security I need in transacting business. And I use GNUCash, because of its integration with QuickBooks. Just because you accountant wants QuickBook files doesn't mean you really have to use QuickBooks. And I don't download my bank statement bcs Citibank's fee for doing so is higher than the cost of just doing it myself.
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