[nycphp-talk] oracle delimited identifiers

Daniel Convissor danielc at
Wed Feb 4 13:32:55 EST 2004

Hi Y'all:

Working on a new method for PEAR DB that would quote identifiers.  The SQL 
standard, and Oracle supports, delimiting identifiers using double quotes:

   create table "name w space" (...

This works fine in Oracle.  The SQL standard also says if one wants to use
quotes inside the name, escape them with double quotes:

   create table "name w ""quote and space" (...

But, when I do this under Oracle, it chokes saying "ORA-03001:  
unimplemented feature."  So, in Oracle, are quotes inside delimited
identifiers verboten or is there some other escaping method?

Tried finding it in the docs and oracle news group archives but couldn't 
locate an answer in a reasonable amount of time.



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