[nycphp-talk] text: PEAR::DB Oracle BLOBs

Daniel Convissor danielc at
Wed Feb 4 17:38:02 EST 2004

Hi Chris:

On Wed, Feb 04, 2004 at 11:15:03AM -0800, Chris Hubbard wrote:

> Has anyone used PEAR::DB to read and write BLOBs into Oracle?

I haven't tried BLOBS, but I've used CLOBS via Prepare/Execute.  See this
test include file for examples:  DB/tests/  For those out 
there that are curious, the Prepare/Execute documentation is at

> I've got an application that writes incoming email attachments 
> (typically pdf and jpg) to a blob field in oracle.  And I want to write 
> the blob not from a file, but from a string.

But does it work from a file?  Have you tried it as a string in DB?  Have 
you tried it as a file in DB?

Dealing with binaries is something on my agenda for DB, but getting out a
bug free (okay, so significantly bug reduced) release in the near future
is even higher. :)

Anyway, if you're doing further testing of how to do this with PEAR DB, do 
make sure to obtain the latest release so we can be on the same page.

I can't really comment on the approach in your code because I haven't 
messed around with BLOBS.

Good luck!


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