[nycphp-talk] Object-Oriented Evolution of PHP

John Lacey jlacey at
Thu Feb 5 09:52:48 EST 2004

Adam Maccabee Trachtenberg wrote:

> Good PHP 5 information is hard to find. If you have a particular area
> you're looking for, I can probably give you some pointers. (This offer
> extends to others, too, of course.)

I'll put together a few pointed questions... btw all the courses I 
offer at this point are of the intro type, I've nothing to say to 
people with advanced skills.  My purpose is evangelizing Open Source 
and providing people a good foundation at a reasonable price.

> For basic information, start at and look at the
> recent presentations. Quality, however, varies from talk to talk and
> presentations are not updated when material changes, so take
> everything with a grain of salt.

didn't know about the area -- thanks


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