[nycphp-talk] MySQL Query Cache

Mitch Pirtle mitchy at
Mon Feb 9 13:34:30 EST 2004

Chris Snyder wrote:

> I was surprised to find out this weekend that MySQL 4.x has a built-in 
> query cache.

As a PostgreSQL bigot, I get similar functionality through the use of 
adodb; but the big difference with MySQL's caching is that MySQL is 
smart enough to know a cache has been affected by data updates, and 
rebuilds the cache - adodb is strictly time-based, but requires no 
round-trips to the db box.

Out of curiosity, anyone here with strong opinions on either, and want 
to share?  I'm strictly on the fence, as I love adodb's independence and 
network-friendly approach, but also love MySQL's 'refreshing' capability...

-- Mitch

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