[nycphp-talk] NEW PHundamentals Question

Dan Cech dcech at
Mon Feb 9 22:39:57 EST 2004

Jeff Siegel wrote:
> Almost every website has an HTML form for visitors to complete. But how 
> do you know that the person who completed the form did so through your 
> website? The question for this month's PHundamentals article is: What 
> method(s) do you use to assure that no one has 'spoofed', i.e., 
> 'forged', a form submission?"

I guess the real question here is what you are trying to guard against.

One attack against forms is for a script to simulate multiple users, 
causing the system to potentially crash under the load.

The only defense I know of against this is the dynamic image, which 
essentially requires a human operator to be able to decipher the image.

The second attack you are trying to protect against is that a user may 
maliciously submit a form in an attempt to 'spoof' or 'forge' a 
submission by another user.  For this type of attack I would recommend a 
one time token system backed up by a fairly secure session management 
system to tie each form to a session (and time) and then protect that 


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