[nycphp-talk] Include file questions

Jeff Siegel jsiegel1 at
Tue Feb 10 10:04:57 EST 2004

For question 1, See:
Specifically, "Site Structure: Where to Locate Includes?"

Jeff Siegel

leam wrote:

> Noob here again, wondering about include files.
> 1. Where is a good place to put them so that they are outside the
> docroot yet centrally located for the apache/mysql/php instance?
> 2. Do you tend to have uniquely configured include files or just a few
> for overall use? For example, if you had two different instances of
> MySQL running, would you have seperate include files for the pages that
> referenced each or would you use one with differnet variable names?
> 3. What are some things you usually use for include files? What are some
> things you*could* put in that you don't?
> Thanks!
> leam

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