[nycphp-talk] Translating XML to SQL

Chris Bielanski Cbielanski at
Thu Feb 12 16:36:41 EST 2004

> Hi Dan,
> Doing the foreign key checking while parsing is a great idea. 
> I've walked
> through the redisigned process on paper and it seemed to work, until I
> started hitting areas of multiple children nodes in the xml 
> data structure.
> For example, each article has <story>, <headline>, <issue>, 
> and <images>
> tags. The <images> tag can have may <image> children tags in it.
That problem right there plagued my XML work a few weeks ago. I ended up
doing it the "wrong" way and putting a CSV list in the tag. I didn't have
time to find/rewrite an XML parser to do that job, even though it's within
spec. It would be to my great advantage is one was located or built - I'm
certain I'm not the only one.

Chris - [cbielanski at]

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