[nycphp-talk] Fw: MySQL Administrator Available for Download

Aaron Fischer agfische at
Fri Feb 13 10:13:56 EST 2004

Sounds like they might be a nice compliment.  Being able to access 
phpmyadmin remotely from wherever I am is very desirable.  MySQL 
Administrator sounds like it has some nice features that can be 
available when one is on his/her local machine(s)...


On Feb 13, 2004, at 10:07 AM, Hans Zaunere wrote:

>> Would this be a tool that is comparable/competing with phpmyadmin?
> In some respects, yes.  But it really goes further, IMO.
> Because it's a client app, running on the local box, you get some
> niceities that just aren't available via a web browser.  Nice charting,
> uploading, managing, user interface, speed, etc.  The only downside, is
> that you of course have to have MySQL listen on the network, which in
> many cases, people don't do - MySQL often only listen on
> (localhost).
> H

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