[nycphp-talk] __call() in php5?

jon baer jonbaer at
Mon Feb 16 04:56:38 EST 2004

> Of course, my answer would be a heck of a lot better if I saw some
> code. Right now, I just have to guess at what you're trying to do. :)

well ... @ the moment just playing around w/ php5 *but* im trying to create
some "dynamic" objects that are tied to a database where you don't have to
crank out the schema at first or at all (or at least that is the idea) so
for example:

$player->setXXX(value) and $player->getXXX() ...

are trapped to something.  i can give the option of using internal static
variables, DB::PEAR, or simplexml just for the sake of testing the object.

- jon

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