[nycphp-talk] php5 built-in object docs?

Adam Maccabee Trachtenberg adam at
Mon Feb 16 13:29:21 EST 2004

On Mon, 16 Feb 2004, jon baer wrote:

> but where are the docs for the built in standard objects/interfaces in php5?
> (like Iterator/Exception,etc) ... how many are there currently?

Alternatively, they're on my hard drive, in the form of soon-to-be
published chapters. There's no yet a lot of good documentation on PHP
5 because it's still shifting around.

> also why are they built-in vs. bundled (like a lib or PEAR)?

So you can rely on them existing in your programs. Alternatively,
because lots of bundled extensions use them.

> * i tried print_r(get_declared_interfaces()) and
> print_r(get_declared_classes()) + they bombed in php5 (i was going to try
> reflection to get some docs)

I don't understand this commment. Doing
print_r(get_declared_interfaces()) generates:

    [0] => Traversable
    [1] => IteratorAggregate
    [2] => Iterator
    [3] => ArrayAccess
    [4] => reflector
    [5] => RecursiveIterator
    [6] => SeekableIterator

And I get a 65-element array for get_delcared_classes(). I'm using a
recent CVS build (PHP 5.0.0RC1-dev (cli) (built: Feb 10 2004 16:43:19)


adam at
author of o'reilly's php cookbook
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