[nycphp-talk] Include file questions

keith at keith at
Tue Feb 17 08:50:24 EST 2004

I am writting my own site management system that sticks all files except
for index.php not in the public_html directory, and giving browser-based
access to edit files/sections/etc without having to give out ftp access or
anything (site with lots of content contributors) - but this is on a
dedicated server with multiple sites that use different method of
includes... If I would use this method instead of using a global variable
for the "content root" would I just do a
ini_set("include_path","/home/blahblah/content/"); for each of the sites
that is loaded in one of the global include files? or would it be better
to have a variable...

> On Sat, 14 Feb 2004, Mark Armendariz wrote:
>> But with this set, I can just
>> include('config.files.php');
>> on every page without worrying about where things are so much.
> All hail include_path! This is my personal favorite solution.
> -adam

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