[nycphp-talk] your IDE? (was "Zend Survey")

David Mintz dmintz at
Wed Feb 18 15:21:42 EST 2004

On Wed, 18 Feb 2004, Allen Shaw wrote:

> >It's got features I love, and, um,
> > characteristics I detest, ...
> Care to elaborate?

Others have pretty much elaborated for me -- I second most of their
remarks. In addition, the server installation was painful on Windoze, and
when I upgraded it trashed my server installation and I haven't had the
fortitude to try it again.

The Project thing -- this has been said -- is either buggy or just plain

And I haven't figured out how to get Zend to use the PHP binary that *I*
want it to use as opposed to the one it shipped with -- though I might
find the solution with research &/or RTFM

One thing that's screwy on Linux is that if you use US-International
keyboard, as I do, because I sometimes write Spanish, then guess what. In
Zend you cannot, repeat CANNOT, type either ' or ". Try coding that way
sometime. Not fun. They say it's a bug in the Java implementation itself,

It also has half-hearted-at-best support for plain HTML editing. If I'm
serious about marking up some HTML I switch to Homesite when on 'Doze,
Quanta on Linux.

On the plus side, love that code completion, love that debugger, cvs
integration is pretty nice (not bug-free however), love that file
inspector thing that outlines your functions... though other tools also
offer some or all of the above.

Yeah it's religious debate but it has to be aired from time to time.

David Mintz

        "Anybody else got a problem with Webistics?" -- Sopranos 24:17

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