[nycphp-talk] How many of you guys are "down" with Java/OO - likeprogramming concepts?

jon baer jonbaer at
Wed Feb 18 20:00:28 EST 2004

My opinion is that you have to look @ the project you have in front of you
and decide on whether its even possible to perform in a procedural fashion,
many of the OO tasks are really performed for having a "state" on objects, a
good example is threading, you cant really tend to develop a server without
some objects having a type of state that go off and do work on their own.

Then again the real PHP catch for me was doing alot more with alot less.
Like in Java do you really need like 5 classes to perform a DB query?  Some
things are a complete overload but they are neat and concise that you can
understand them, to me thats what objects and OO programming really do is
give you a well defined detail on how something works, I can give you a
generic object and you can see how it works and throw it into your app no
problem (like the concept w/ Beans - and the concept of an "interface") ...
however in the end its really all the same, whether you need to learn 1000+
classes in Java or 1000+ built-in methods in PHP youre still doing the same

I think OO is a much cleaner way to program.  When I first started PHP
before the OO my eyeballs would pop out debugging something.

----- Original Message -----
From: "Phil Powell" <phillip.powell at>
To: "NYPHP Talk" <talk at>
Sent: Wednesday, February 18, 2004 4:21 PM
Subject: [nycphp-talk] How many of you guys are "down" with Java/OO -
likeprogramming concepts?

> I am now learning how to write PHP not necessarily as flat script but as
> an OO construct, that is, classes, "abstract" classes, "interfaces",
> Singleton Design Patterns, etc.  and it's really helping me out a lot
> toward understanding how to come close to implementing it in Java.

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