[nycphp-talk] interesting AMP tidbit on Groklaw

John Lacey jlacey at
Thu Feb 19 22:00:26 EST 2004

ran across an interesting one on Groklaw just now...

..."I used Linux on a USAF project during the Kosovo conflict. 
We pulled the prototype out of my lab and wired a variety of 
locations throughout Italy with Samba data servers and Perl 
coded robots that surfed for data and cataloged it directly into 
MySQL databases. The databases were accessible via apache and 
PHP. We were credited with helping to save the life of a downed 
pilot because all the critical information was immediately 
available to commanders and the Special Ops team in their 
helicopters doing the extraction. One of the downed pilots was a 
commander we had met while wiring his intel shop a week before 
he was shot down...."

full story here:


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