[nycphp-talk] MySQL, MyISAM tables, <trigger> | <on delete cascade> - Help

Phil Powell phillip.powell at
Fri Feb 20 12:30:44 EST 2004

Dan Cech wrote:

> Phil Powell wrote:
>> I am having to create a cascade delete effect on table "department" 
>> that is configured in the following fashion:
>> create table if not exists department (
>> id int not null auto_increment,
>> primary key (id),
>> department_name varchar(50) not null,
>> department_parent_id int,
>> unique_key varchar(20) not null,
>> record_entered datetime
>> );
>> department_parent_id is a "foreign key constraint" (table is MyISAM 
>> thus no actual foreign key) set up to be recursively
>> referring to another record (if not null) in the table.
>> I am having to delete a department; if I do so, I would naturally 
>> have to delete all child records associated with the department.
> snip
>> What would then be your best recommendation, based upon the need and 
>> the schema, for me to ensure that all related records are
>> deleted?  I would prefer not to have to write a PHP script to have to 
>> do so, but is that all I'm stuck with?
> My recommendation is to look at using a more powerful structure to 
> represent the relationship between your departments.  Specifically I 
> would recommend Joe Celko's Nested Sets or a variation thereof.
> You can find a lot of information in the archives of this list and the 
> nyphp-dev list, and also plenty of resources on the net. A good place 
> to start would be:
> <>
> This approach has many advantages, and would allow you to accomplish 
> this type of delete quite efficiently, as well as offering additional 
> ways to work with the data, such as a one-query answer to the problem 
> of retrieving all ancestor or descendant departments.
> Dan
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Interesting.. I'll look into that more, but the article does not 
indicate whether this approach works for a very simple MySQL 3.23 model 
MyISAM table.  If it doesn't implementing this would be fine, provided 
we tell every client that looks into our custom-built app to upgrade 
everything from PHP and MySQL on down before they can use our app they 


Phil Powell
Web Developer
  ADNET Systems, Inc.
  11260 Roger Bacon Drive, Suite 403
  Reston, VA  20190-5203
Phone: (703) 709-7218 x107   Cell: (571) 437-4430   FAX: (703) 709-7219
EMail:  Phillip.Powell at      AOL IM: SOA Dude

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