[nycphp-talk] MAC development environment

Christopher R. Merlo cmerlo at
Mon Feb 23 23:38:02 EST 2004

On 2004-02-22 14:59 -0500, felix zaslavskiy <felix at> wrote:

> If your Intel laptop remains your dev environment why do you need a dev
> environment on MAC. Just install IE for mac, Safari and test to see how
> your web pages look on them. 

May I also recommend Camino,
Real nice looking browser, native Cocoa interface.  I use mostly
Linux, but I have a Mac on my desk at work which I fire up when I want
to see really pretty things on my desktop, and Camino's one of them.

  cmerlo at   

Q: What do you get when you cross a chicken with a mountain climber?
A: You can't do that.  A mountain climber is a scalar.
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