[nycphp-talk] MAC development environment

Faber Fedor faber at
Tue Feb 24 00:39:35 EST 2004

On Sun, Feb 22, 2004 at 04:11:17PM -0500, felix zaslavskiy wrote:
> I know I must sound like total Mr Obvious to most people on this list
> but consider that not everyone knows of the alternatives at this time
> especially students in colleges who are handed a laptop with XP
> preinstalled. But if someone is taking a CS degree and still have not
> heard that yes Linux/BSD is better then they must be living under a
> rock.

There must be a helluva lot of rocks out there then.  

The people I know into Linux/BSD went out of their way to find it.  Most
college students/comp-sci people/humans don't go out of their way for
things they're not truly interested in.  Hell, most people don't go out of
their way, period.

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