[nycphp-talk] shopping cart experiences

Chris Hubbard chubbard at
Tue Feb 24 16:01:26 EST 2004

I've played with a couple.  I've implemented two vanilla osCommerce 
sites.  I've implemented one highly customized osCommerce (about 1/4 of 
the app rewritten).  osCommerce is a nightmare to customize/modify.  The 
community contributions are mostly dubious.  Sometimes the contributions 
require other contributions to work, I've never seen those dependencies 

At this point I've written two different ecommerce packages (mostly from 
scratch, the second based on the first).  It's faster to write from 
scratch than it is to do the kind of tweaks to osCommerce that customer 
usually request.

As a developer, if you can, stay away from osCommerce.
As an end user, osCommerce will probably meet your needs (60 - 80%).


Faber Fedor wrote:

>Anyone have a recommendation on PHP based shopping carts?
>I hear osCommerce is great "out of the box" but I'm sure my client isn't
>going to want to use that layout. Supposedly it's a bear to modify.
>I'm currently looking at FreeTrade
>A commercial solution will be okay, but only if I get source, can
>modify it and support is as good as FOSS support.

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