[nycphp-talk] Your experiences with PHPDocumentor

Daniel Krook danielk at
Fri Feb 27 12:34:29 EST 2004

Thanks for info on Doxygen, I like what it does to show the inner working
of clew in an easier way than I believe that phpDocumentor would.

We used phpDocumentor last year on a large scale project that needed to
have its source transitioned from active development by a single hacker to
a globally dispersed team of several developers.   The effort to document
the code kind of petered out, but it did force us to write better
documented code.

I chose phpDocumentor over other tools because it had better features at
the time, but I later found it was recommended for PEAR development
( and which solidified our choice.

It's a good tool, and it's "endorsement" by its use by and availability at
PEAR makes it worth learning and using.  If you have any experience with
javadoc or browsing Java APIs, you'll find yourself at home.   Conversely,
it will enforce your ability to understand OOP and work with javadoc if the
need ever arises.

Implementing it requires you to extract it somewhere accessible by your web
browser, enter in a few options, and submit a form.   As for the code you
want to document, it needs to have comments added in a specific format to
be parsed correctly.   To end up with acceptable documentation, you'll be
adding the comments to your code, running the documentor, viewing the
results, and adding more comments to your code as necessary.   You'll go
through a few cycles of this before you get it right.

Please take some time to read the tutorial

Daniel Krook, Application Developer, Production Services,
1133 Westchester Avenue, White Plains, NY 10604
Tel: (914) 642-4474, Tieline 224-4474
danielk at


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