[nycphp-talk] Easyphp

bpang at bpang at
Sat Jan 3 22:53:27 EST 2004

Don't know how you are getting to your final destination, but maybe doing
the install on the plane would be a good way to pass the time.

Probably the biggest hoop would be getting the ISOs or CDs in time (unless
you bought a packaged set).

Whenever I've done a linux install, it hasn't taken more than an hour (not
including disk error checking), if that.

The most common problem I've had with laptops has been with the video
drivers, but that can all be tweaked post-install.

> I thought of that. Time is an issue (I'm leaving in a few days) and I
> know I have to jump through a hoop or two to get it to run on the laptop.
>> Install linux on the laptop :-]
>>> I have an old Compaq laptop (500 mhz Armada) running Win98. Family
>>> circumstances have forced me to to make a quick emergency I
>>> need PHP, etc., on the laptop to continue my work.

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