[nycphp-talk] New PHundamentals Article

John Lacey jlacey at
Mon Jan 5 11:17:56 EST 2004

Dan Cech wrote:

> It is really preferable to take care of magic_quotes_gpc at the 
> beginning of the script, rather than at the time of insertion into the 
> database.  By doing it that way any validation, redisplay, etc of 
> submitted data can be done without needing to worry about the effects of 
> magic_quotes.

Agree.  Since this was an add-on, I wanted to do all the db 
sensitive stuff in one place.  I have an aversion to testing 
for the type of database in other places.  In this case, it 
seemed the quickest way of dropping in SQLite support 
without regard to how a sever's php.ini file may be set up.

Ideally, all 'magic' stuff should be "off" as in the 
php-recommended file


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