[nycphp-talk] client doesn't want security: what to do?

David Mintz dmintz at
Wed Jan 7 16:59:24 EST 2004

On Wed, 7 Jan 2004, James Wetterau wrote:

> David Mintz says:
> ....
> > However, yours truly thinks it would be better to use GPG or PGP for
> > encryption, but C cannot be persuaded to acquire, install and start using
> > PGP/GPG and thus keeps ~not~ providing yours truly with her public key
> > despite numerous requests.
> Could Ours Truly try volunteering to C to spend the time necessary to
> set up GPG or PGP for her, end to end?  It's possible that C is
> simply daunted by that task and if you take it off C's hands, she will
> acquiesce.

I've thought of that but haven't proposed it -- for reasons that are
basically irrelevant here -- but it's an idea worth reconsidering. Thanks.
My expectation is that C will say no, not necessary -- but it might be
worth a try nonetheless.

For brevity's sake I omitted to mention before: C has another Geek who
minds her office computer stuff for her, and according to C, Geek has
declared that the status quo is OK because the page through which the
sensitive data is retrieved is SSL-encrypted.

David Mintz

        "Anybody else got a problem with Webistics?" -- Sopranos 24:17

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