[nycphp-talk] XAMMP Installation

John Lacey jlacey at
Wed Jan 7 23:58:18 EST 2004

Jeff Siegel wrote:
> Downloaded XAMPP from for use 
> on my Win98 laptop. I've listed below the skills you would need to get 
> this up and running after downloading the install file.
> Essential skill No. 1: creating a folder
> Essential skill No. 2: browsing to that folder
> Essential skill No. 3: double-clicking on a few files
> That's it! It's an absolute pleasure to install! It runs beautifully on 
> my antique Compaq Armada.

Better'n sliced bread eh?  I have my students load that up 
on their [typically Windows] home systems so they can do all 
the good stuff outside class.  And to uninstall, ya just 
delete the xampp folder!  In the classroom, we create a LAMP 

A couple things I have them do is to copy the 
ApacheMonitor.exe from \xampp\apache\bin up to where all the 
bat files are in C:\xampp for convenience.  Then they can 
control/restart apache by invoking the monitor, which ends 
up in the system tray -- good for experimenting with php.ini 
settings when you want to bounce the server.  And I remind 
the win2k/xp users to make sure apache is set to "Manual" 
startup mode in Services -- don't want a web server running 
behind your back!


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