[nycphp-talk] Database Relation Question (Sets,Enum)

jon baer jonbaer at
Fri Jan 9 11:45:02 EST 2004

i have a related question to the topic ...

when is it good to ever use a set/enum in MySQL?  I recently had the option
of doing a complete admin in phpmyadmin where I really did not want to
insert a new row using ID keys of 1,2,3,4 vs. "Forward","Defense","Goalie"
... I chose to create a table "position" but the queries really would have
been the same ...

is there ever an optimized reason to use a set/enum against another table?
(this is presuming the entire site is 'english' and not i18n-based) ... id
personally choose ease of editing if the database is small ...

- jon

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