[nycphp-talk] PHP.INI File on a LAMP Server

John Lacey jlacey at
Mon Jan 12 11:09:57 EST 2004

Dan Cech wrote:
> ahh, you'd be better off with:
> find /etc -name php.ini
> and if that fails:
> find / -name php.ini
> Dan

another way that's pretty convenient is to use the
"locate filename" that searches a database that is updated 
by a default cron job (at least on redhat systems)... it is 
very quick.

the only caveat is to keep in mind that, since the cron job 
runs once per day, files that are added or deleted will not 
be reflected until the cron job runs -- of course, you can 
manually run "updatedb" (it takes little time to run). But 
in most instances, things will be pretty much up to date.


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