[nycphp-talk] IIS 5 and .inc files

Emmanuel Décarie emm at
Tue Jan 13 12:46:22 EST 2004


My client has a Win2000 server with IIS 5 installed. The sysadmin is saying to
me that for IIS *not* to serve dot inc files (like, you can't simply
use the suffix of the file (as with Apache) and exclude all dot inc files based
on their suffix. What you have to do is to put all your dot inc files in a
repertory, and then tell IIS that the repertory contains files that are
executable but not to be seen in the browser.

I'm not a Windows guy (although I have IIS 5/Win2000 on a test machine), but I
find it hard that IIS 5 can't discriminate files to be seen by the browser based
on their suffix. Is it true?


Emmanuel Décarie / Programmation pour le Web - Programming for the Web
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