[nycphp-talk] RE: Connecting to MySQL on host questions

Bill Wolf wiw at
Wed Jan 14 00:56:29 EST 2004

Thanks Dan.  You nailed it.  I changed the db to localhost and it's working.
Info from my isp?  Not likely but that's what you get for $3.95 a month.


On Tue, Jan 13, 2004 at 11:56:38PM -0500, Bill Wolf wrote:
> The following code runs on my local machine but not on my host.  On the
> I'm not sure what value to use for the $site variable.  Using the website
> IP address isn't working.  

Check $php_errormsg when doing mysql_connect() has problems.

Also, chances are $site needs to be 'localhost' rather than the domain 

Also, does the MySQL installation there have all the permissions lined up 
for the host, user, password, database combination.

All of this information should be given to you by your ISP -- or you can 
figure it out if you have access to the 'mysql' database which contains 
all of the priveleges information.

I'm guessing you need to read up on the privileges system:


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