[nycphp-talk] OT: Unable to receive mail

Jeff Siegel jsiegel1 at
Wed Jan 14 10:46:29 EST 2004

We went through this exercise...actually...a somewhat modified version. 
Whoever fills out the form always gets their confirmation. I then 
configured it to send it to client's home email account...and that works 
too. I haven't tried the Yahoo/Hotmail idea...perhaps that's the one 
that will finally convince them of the source of the problem.


Daniel Convissor wrote:

> Hi Jeff:
> On Tue, Jan 13, 2004 at 09:49:22PM -0500, Jeff Siegel wrote:
>>If I use my own 
>>email address in place of my client's address, I always receive the 
>>emails that come from the form. If I substitute my client's address as 
>>the recipient, the client never receives the email.
>>I suspect that the problem lies in the configuration of the client's 
>>mail server, namely MS Exchange Server
> Say no more! :)  To prove to them that their mail server is the problem, 
> have the script send out three emails.  One to them, one to the client and 
> then the third to some neutral email account that someone on their staff 
> controls (Yahoo, Hotmail, other ISP).  This way, they can verify that the 
> emails are indeed being sent.
> Of course, IF they really knew what they were doing, they would have 
> already looked at the mail server's logs and been able to see that your 
> mails are getting to their server and are being rejected -- and tell you 
> WHY they are being rejected -- and then fix the problem on their end.
> But, then they'd have to point the finger at themselves... and do some 
> work...
> Oh well,
> --Dan

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