[nycphp-talk] timeouts

Mitch Pirtle mitchy at
Thu Jan 22 13:53:33 EST 2004

Joe M wrote:
> hello,
>  switched from using a cgi script for uploading files to php4. problem 
> is timeouts. i have increased the timeout in httpd.conf to 5000 secs. 
> but does not seem to help. ok i am totally new to this-anyone? i have 
> been searching web and newsgroups but don't have much time i am only it 
> person here with win, novell, linux to look after. thanks joe
> ps i have recently been getting a "warn--php4 module already loaded" msg 
> from configtest.

I had a similar problem a couple weeks ago, and had to balance between 
apache and php configurations to make it work.  The php.ini parameters 
were max_execution_time and max_input_time, which for my problem both 
had to be tweaked...

> i can post php.ini and httpd.conf if you want.

php.ini might help.  I'm a lurker so I hope this is ok - and if not, 
someone hit me with a cluestick and I will suddenly make sense again.

-- Mitch

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