[nycphp-talk] OT:Virus Alert: MyDoom

David Mintz dmintz at
Tue Jan 27 12:21:21 EST 2004

The spew I am getting a lot of today is bounced messages that I never
sent. Purportedly from people like sam at (no such user)
addressed to random people I never heard of, they bounce to me because I
am the catch-all for the domain's mail. And they have
presumably evil attachments. Another fun day in the trenches (-:

On Tue, 27 Jan 2004, Hans Zaunere wrote:

> > This one seems to be really catching on.  We are getting a
> > ton of these emails this morning. We allow ZIP files through and have
> to,
> > so we have some exposure with this virus.  People here are aware of
> this
> > issue, but you never know if everyone will think "virus" when that
> juicy ZIP file is
> > staring them in the face from their inbox.
> I've set Outlook to filter messages with a size of between 29 and 31
> kb... works like a charm so far.
> But yeah, this one was hitting pretty hard.  The NYPHP lists are getting
> slammed, but thankfully they are closed to non members :)
> H
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David Mintz

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