[nycphp-talk] User Login / Auth Class - SIMPLISTIC please

Mitch Pirtle mitchy at
Wed Jan 28 17:48:09 EST 2004

-sry wrote:

> Hiya guys,
> I read through the similarly-subjected thread felix started back in 
> mid-December (thanks for asking the questions felix and for 
> brainstorming on the list - I really got my thinking focused reading 
> that thread). I definitely do NOT need anything that comprehensive.

Take a look at PEAR::Auth 
(  It will 
even spit out a plain-jane login screen for you.  All you have to do is 
add the accounts to a MySQL table, and you are good to go.

As for getting the dirty on them before showing the goods, you could 
always set their status in the same database table, and look that up 
when they login to see what status they have.

Feel free to come with questions, I have working examples just begging 
for Cut-N-Paste!

-- Mitch

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