[nycphp-talk] back button, page timeout, sessions

Dan Cech dcech at
Fri Jan 30 12:49:14 EST 2004

Chris Shiflett wrote:

> --- Chris Hubbard <chubbard at> wrote:
>>What are strategies you've implemented to eliminate the "this page has 
>>expired" that commonly gets displayed after a user clicks the back
> You can try:
> 1. Intermediate processing page that uses a protocol-level redirect, so
> that POST data is only ever sent to this intermeiate page.
> 2. Cache-Control: private
> 3. Someone else's suggestions. :-)

Personally I have a strong aversion to using 'processing' pages, but 
that's just me....

I tend to use some cache control headers:


I actually have a function to generate the appropriate headers...if 
anyone is interested I can mail it off-list.  It can also generate 
appropriate headers for objects which should be cached by proxies and 
browsers (very useful for php generated images, etc).

Other than than I also use a per-form token to ensure that a given form 
cannot be submitted twice.

This solution seems to work fairly well, the headers ensure that use of 
the back and forward buttons still take you to a current version of the 
page, whilst the tokens prevent forms from being submitted twice (ie 
when a user submits a form, moves on, then uses the back button to 
return to the submission page).

By combining this with a decent url rewriting system I can keep my urls 
short and readable and everything Just Works.


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