[nycphp-talk] SNMP really that "simple"?

inforequest sm11szw02 at
Fri Jul 2 10:01:33 EDT 2004

Jon Baer |nyphp 04/2004| wrote:

>Is SNMP really that "simple"?  
>Maybe its just me or does it sometimes seem like MIBS are so entirely complex that 
>the name of the protocol does not do it justice?  I dont see that many PHP based 
>admin tools, does anyone know of any?  It also seems like many of the hardware 
>items Ive toyed around with are Ver 1 based vs. 3 ... its a protocol that screams 
>for XML yet they stick with this SMI stuff.  Maybe someone w/ more SNMP experience 
>can explain.
>- Jon
Just in case anyone is looking to start to play with SNMP, beware that 
last I looked there were numerous problems with Microsoft's SNMP on 
WindowsNT/2000, and that SNMP is clear text (so community passwords and 
network device info are out in the open for all to see). There are IPSEC 
solutions to the clear text issue, for those doing that.

Rabid SNMP devices flooding the network with SNMP transmissions; either 
improperly configured devices, flawed implementations, or endless loops 
that catch that tie up the service -- all headaches that are not often 
worth the trouble. On most administered networks, SNMP devices are 
flagged for attention by the sysadmin (unless part of her own deployment).

Of course if you are deploying a solution based on SNMP reporting, then 
you need to deal with these issues anyway. I am just saying BEWARE as it 
may not be a benign plug-in-play exercise for your network and its users.


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