[nycphp-talk] What's going on here? PHP conditional.

Brian Kaney brian at
Fri Jul 2 11:18:44 EDT 2004

Just came across this problem.  Consider the following code:


echo "Equivalent: ";
if (0 == 'Some String') { echo 'evaluates true'; } else { echo
'evaluates false'; }

echo "\n";

echo "Equivalent and same type: ";
if (0 === 'Some String') { echo 'evaluates true'; } else { echo
'evaluates false'; }


I get 

Equivalent: evaluates true
Equivalent and same type: evaluates false

Does anyone know why (0 == 'string') evaluates to true?   

According to the manual, the integer 0 converts to FALSE.  A non-empty
(or non-zero) string is considered TRUE. I would think if (FALSE ==
TRUE) should be evaluated as false?

- Brian

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