[nycphp-talk] SNMP really that "simple"?

Ajai Khattri ajai at
Fri Jul 2 11:22:08 EDT 2004

Jon Baer wrote:

>Is SNMP really that "simple"?  
>Maybe its just me or does it sometimes seem like MIBS are so entirely complex that 
>the name of the protocol does not do it justice?  I dont see that many PHP based 
>admin tools, does anyone know of any?  It also seems like many of the hardware 
>items Ive toyed around with are Ver 1 based vs. 3 ... its a protocol that screams 
>for XML yet they stick with this SMI stuff.  Maybe someone w/ more SNMP experience 
>can explain.

I feel the same way - and there are no books that explain it in simple 
terms. (Hence my request yesterday). Im playing with cacti (which uses 

Systems Administrator / Developer

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