[nycphp-talk] [ot] Web tree command available?

John Lacey jlacey at
Fri Jul 2 16:16:04 EDT 2004

Jon Baer wrote:

>I agree ... actually just found so I will be busy for a while 
>- Jon


I'll take a look at loading a test MIB into the active tree from a MIB 
desc file.. . Just for the record, you're interested in parsing thru 
(displaying) the actual MIB description, right?  I need to pysch some 
stuff for a security tools course I'm writing, so it won't be wasted energy.

btw, Talk List -- sorry for the 180degree dyslexic 'explaination' of 
casting int to string instead of vice-versa ...
woooops, coming back from vacation is nasty.  I haven't actively coded 
PHP for over a year now -- can you tell?

"Better to let people think you're a fool than to open your mouth and 
remove all doubt"  -- gawd, I hate it when that happens


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