[nycphp-talk] What's the best way query a table with a "one-to-many"relationship? Suggestions???

inforequest sm11szw02 at
Mon Jul 5 08:27:53 EDT 2004

inforequest |nyphp 04/2004| wrote:

> While I recommend the approach described above, I add that it is 
> possible to accompish the end result without two queries, using 
> practical techniques that are not pure database methods. It is also 
> possible that a non-normalized database schema would serve the 
> application well, with a minial impact on scalabaility up to some 
> practical limit.
> However, given the potential for mis-use, I agree these are best 
> reserved for the experienced programmer, or for deployment of an 
> "optimized" application after development is completed. Unless one 
> understands the impact of a shortcut, taking tha shortcut involves 
> risk (and is not generally recommended).

In opther words, yes you can, but you probably shouldn't.  :-)

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