[nycphp-talk] AMP development: talk me into a G4 PowerBook ?

corey szopinski corey at
Tue Jul 6 17:57:43 EDT 2004


I have a 12² powerbook G4, and I do everything you mentioned. Not only that,
but I use it play DVDs through my TV (with a $20 adapter), and stream MP3s
into my stereo system. Plus in addition to all the nice Unix stuff (SSH,
PHP, Apache, Tomcat, Java, CVS, MySQL, etc), you can run Xwindows apps like

Other nice features:
- built in bluetooth syncs up to a phone or pocket pc (or both in my case)
- you can run an external monitor and keyboard (like the wireless bluetooth
mouse and keyboard)
- the battery life is excellent (at least 5 hours for cruising the web)
- The 1 GHz G4 processor is plenty fast
- You can run a ton of app simultaneously without the machine bogging down
(not like any of the windows workstations I use )

You should really consider dumping PaintShop Pro for Photoshop (OS X
native), but if you _have_ to use it, Virtual PC will do nicely (not
quickly, mind you).

I¹m not familiar with Quanta, but many unix apps compile under OS X pretty
well. Plus many vendors and open source folks are realizing how many unix
users on running macs and most of the best software is now available (check
out DbVisualizer for example)


On 7/6/04 5:37 PM, "David Mintz" <dmintz at> wrote:

> I think it's time to move on from my old Dell Inspiron 2000 and I'm trying
> to talk myself into a G4 PowerBook.
> You happy Powerbook owners, please tell me about how great they are for
> AMP development. Persuade me how easy it is to run Apache/PHP, mysql, and
> also things like the Zend and Eclipse IDEs, Tomcat, cvs (or perhaps
> Subversion) etc. Assure me it will also be possible to figure out a way to
> run the one and only Windoze program I'd like to keep, which is Paint Shop
> Pro. Convince me that it will be fast and stable and just plain cool and
> I'll wonder how I lived without it.
> Further, enlighten me as to what specs and features and stuff you think a
> geek would require in order to attain nirvana.
> Also -- maybe a naive question -- can you build and install something like
> Quanta (the html editor) on one of these things? I'd expect the install
> might get weird because the standard locations of things are different on
> Mac OS X vs. *nix platforms.
> Feel free to answer privately if you think this is too OT.
> Many thanks,
> ---
> David Mintz
>         "Anybody else got a problem with Webistics?" -- Sopranos 24:17
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Corey Szopinski
Technology Director
corey at
70 Washington St. Suite 710
Brooklyn, NY 11201
718.797.4470  x116 

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