[nycphp-talk] AMP development: talk me into a G4 PowerBook ?

John Lacey jlacey at
Tue Jul 6 20:06:50 EDT 2004

David Mintz wrote:

>Wow. Thank you very much everybody.
>A footnote:  the sole reason I'm still wedded to PaintShop Pro -- well,
>ok, not the sole reason:  it's also ~familiar~ to me and we all know how
>important (albeit subjectively) that can be -- is its red-eye removal tool
>for my digital pix. Click, click, done. I once tried to investigate how to
>do that with the Gimp, found a tutorial somewhere, started reading, and by
>Step 17 I was like, eh, I don't think so. I ain't that much of a graphics
well, here's a 3-stepper..

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