[nycphp-talk] Happy 7th of July... Sort of

Joel De Gan joel at
Wed Jul 7 13:45:58 EDT 2004

Took a minute and looked over the specs for firefox/mozilla extensions,
it would also be easy for a js/xul programmer to add in similar
functionality for those browsers, though would require installing an


On Wed, 2004-07-07 at 12:00, Joel De Gan wrote:
> Well, actually the user needs to click (which is any activex) and it can
> be embedded in a form for "winning a 52 inch plasma TV or whatever"
> etc.. I have a search site that gets 50,000 hits/day (mostly i.e.) the
> numbers there just on users who hit okay just by accident would make it
> worth it.. And yea, it could find any of those codes using regex
> replace.
> Just wondering how much that would actually be worth..
> -joeldg
joeldg - developer, Intercosmos media group.

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