[nycphp-talk] PHP-related book comments

Brian Pang bpang at
Wed Jul 14 11:21:13 EDT 2004

I agree. One of the things that originally got me started with PHP was
that it was so easy to get started using it, without really having to
think. It did feel like "magic".

Now that I'm {a little|a lot} more familiar with it, I don't miss those
"features" and even appreciate their absence. But I wonder to what
degree it has raised the bar to newcomers/rookies.
(I know that things like register_globals can be turned back on, but to
explain that to a noob....)

> Different sets of programmers used PHP back then, the Web was a
> very different place, and PHP was just a quick and dirty language for
> guest books, hit counters, and e-mailing forms.

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