[nycphp-talk] (no subject)

Joel De Gan joel at
Thu Jul 15 12:45:59 EDT 2004

You may want to look at dsa keys, that is how I do it.
You create a dsa key and then add it to your known hosts file in
Another alternative which works well is using php to call an expect
script, that way you don't need to bother with dsa keys (if security is
a concern).
'expect' comes with a script called autoexpect that you can quickly use
to create an expect script just 'autoexpect scp ..whatever..' and it
will create a script that you can call with 'expect script.exp' that
will do what you did during the autoexpect situation.
I have found that it is usually good to modify scripts done with
autoexpect though.


On Thu, 2004-07-15 at 16:42, wfan at wrote:
> Hello Listies,
> I am creating files with a PHP script. I want the script to 'scp' the
> just-created file to a Windows box running a SSH/SCP server (WinSSHD)
> The created files are owned by 'www'
> I want to scp the files so that there is no prompt for a password --  as I
> understand it, this is 'RSA Authentication'
> I created a keypair using 'ssh-keygen -t dsa' and registered the public key
> with the WinSSHD server.
> Then, in the PHP script:
> #####PHP#######
> 	$command = 'scp -q -B -i <PRIVATE_KEY> ' . $filename . '
> <USER>@<IP_ADDY>:' . basename($filename);
> 	system( $command, $rc ); 
> #####PHP#######
> where:
> <PRIVATE_KEY> is the private key of the keypair
> $filename is the just-created file
> <USER> is a Windows account
> <IP_ADDY> is the IP of the Windows machine
> Now, if I shell into the webserver and run the command, it works fine. BUT,
> the system() looks like it fails...
> Any hints? Can you tell me where else to look? 
> --
> Wellington
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