[nycphp-talk] A little network help

LeeEyerman at LeeEyerman at
Fri Jul 16 00:45:23 EDT 2004

When you say statically assign everything, you mean setup a DNS server,  
create names for each machine, point the router at my DNS server to resolve the  
web/ftp/emails, etc.  The win pcs will then have their own name and check the Linux DNS first, and then the router to the  net?
Thanks for the help.
In a message dated 7/16/2004 12:27:21 AM Eastern Daylight Time,  
jonbaer at writes:

| 2)  Currently my router is dynamically assigning TCP/IP #'s to  each
| I know I have to set this up differently.  I want  the linux  box to be
a http
| server, ftp, email, etc, and I want  the windows boxes to have  access
to the

You should never  dynamically assign static boxes ... I think DHCP on a
network you actually  run is kinda evil .. if its just you, statically
assign everything, I  personally think its better in the long run
considering dhcpd had a few sec  alerts this past year.

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