[nycphp-talk] Oreilly's Spidering Hacks...

Yury Rush yury at
Fri Jul 16 09:43:43 EDT 2004

Hi Aaron, being a complete noobie using php ( me ), i can tell you i've seem
most of the stuff mentioned at the site possible with PHP. It might even be
easier in some instances. Scraping content, inclusion of content, and
weather are all possible via PHP. :)


-----Original Message-----
From: talk-bounces at
[mailto:talk-bounces at]On Behalf Of Aaron Fischer
Sent: Friday, July 16, 2004 8:14 AM
To: NYPHP Talk
Subject: [nycphp-talk] Oreilly's Spidering Hacks...


On Wednesday I was in Boston attending Macworld and found myself
inevitably drooling over the various book offerings at the O'Reilly
booth.  One of the many titles that jumped out was "Spidering Hacks" by
Kevin Hemenway and Tara Calishain.  However, I refrained from
purchasing because the book is based on the use of Perl to perform most
or all of the spidering functionality.

So far, PHP is the only programming/scripting language that I have
played with.  I thought I would ponder the following before purchasing
this book:

A.  Can I be achieving the same results using PHP that I can using this
book and Perl?
B.  Are there other technologies that would be more desirable to
achieve spidering functionality?
C.  What is the perceived future of Perl?  Does it still have something
to offer when compared with other programming languages today?  Is it
worth me spending the time to learn it?

Granted, some of these questions may bring a certain level of
subjectivity into play.  I'd be interested to hear any
thoughts/suggestions that folks would like to provide.  I'm not averse
to getting my feet wet with Perl if I feel that I am developing a
skillset that will increase my marketability.



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