[nycphp-talk] A little network help

John Lacey jlacey at
Sat Jul 17 15:08:44 EDT 2004

LeeEyerman at wrote:

> a) If I use port routing, are the ports routed to the physical 
> connection on the router or the dynamic IP address assigned by the 
> router?  If it is the later, if the router assigns a different IP to 
> the "http/ftp/etc server" does the port routing follow automatically?

Routers route using IP addresses.   Although I've never personally used 
port routing with a cable modem, etc, the port-to-address mapping should 
be between the port number, e.g. Port 80 (web server) to the Dynamic 
(internal) IP address that the router has assigned to your server box.

> b) I get my static IP address through my cable company and in order to 
> have the "business class" service, you have to use their Cisco 
> Router.  If I want to use my Linux box as a router as suggested, do I 
> just use the Cisco Router to deliver the static IP address to the 
> linux box and then, conversely, use the router for external DNS?

I wouldn't use the Linux box as a router at this stage of the game, but 
just concentrate on getting what you have paid for (the Cisco router) 
working.  One question... is your ISP and the company providing your 
cable service two different organizations?   Also, since you mentioned 
"business class"  and the fact that the cable company provided the 
router, it is their responsibility to get things working.  At least 
that's the theory :)

> c) Does anyone know how to access a Cisco uBR900 router?

Do you have the uBR900 manual?  Generally you can Telnet into these 
things and then you have to have know the username/password.   Again, 
the company that provided the router should be able to answer this 
question.  But *be careful*  -- if you get in there, there are lottsa 
ways to screw a router config up!!


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