[nycphp-talk] Parsing <php: possible?

LeeEyerman at LeeEyerman at
Mon Jul 19 08:58:33 EDT 2004

Yes you can't, but wouldn't it be cool if PHP were cliet side like the  
example below.  Then I wouldn't have to keep digging through JavaScript  books for 
client side manips.  In fact, I think a case could be made that  with the 
proper IDE, PHP could stand on its own as a very powerful programming  language, 
especially for DB integration.  PHP just seems to make so much  more practical 
sense, and it is fast - both of which I find lacking with  Java.  (I really 
don't like Java all that much, I used it for four years  before PHP, and when I 
started with PHP it was like FREEDOM!, compared with  Java.... oh well just  
my two cents. Perhaps, PHP 6 can have a client side  include and a compiler - 
that way I can do away with Java and its nasty little  brother JavaScript - 
this is not to mention .NET, I'm seemingly not smart enough  for it - or is it 
that I don't have the six months to understand how the 'Hello  World' program 
works, why it takes so much effort to get it to  work, and why .NET supposedly 
does it so much better - whatever  the case  :)
In a message dated 7/19/2004 8:45:31 AM Eastern Daylight Time,  
csnyder at writes:

Jon Baer  wrote:

> c) no worth it.  

I'm don't see the benefit  of this approach.
Why merge scripting commands into the xml dom?

The  reason <script language="php"> doesn't work is because the browser  
doesn't know how to execute the code client-side, right?

The  browser won't know what to do with <php:valueof  
name="param:id"></php:valueof>, either.

OTOH, if you mean  to use this as an intermediate templating language or 
something, maybe  passed to a client that might or might not be PHP-aware 
and able to  execute the markup, I could see some value in it because you 
could (for  example) selectively filter out the <php:include> tags from 
the rest  of the document.

Seems like a lot of work unless you have a real  defined need for it, though.

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