[nycphp-talk] Zipcodes calculation

Scott Mattocks crisscott at
Mon Jul 19 10:25:19 EDT 2004

I wrote this class that will get all zipcodes within a certain mile range.

It isn't so acurate when you get to extreme north and south locations 
due to the way longitude lines come together.  If you can't use the 
class as is, you should be able to pull out the query that you need. 
The class uses PEAR_DB so it is database independant.

Scott Mattocks

P.S. Sorry if this is the same as what others have posted. I have been 
away for a week and didnt' have time to reall all 300+ posts to this list.

Kshitij Bedi wrote:

> I have a database with zipcodes and corresponding latitudes and longitudes.
> Can anyone suggest a mysql statement that can pull me all zipcodes within 20
> or 50 or 100 miles of a given zipcode
> Kshitij Bedi 
> Web Administrator 
> International Trademark Association 
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