[nycphp-talk] Heads Up: FreeBSD, the ports & php

putamare jeffknight at
Tue Jul 20 14:48:57 EDT 2004

As many of you already know I am almost as lazy as I am thirsty, so I 
tend to rely upon the ports to install & update my AMP environments. 
For those of you who haven't installed or upgraded recently, yesterday 
there was made a major change to the way things are done.  From 
> 20040719:
>   AFFECTS: users of PHP
>   AUTHOR: ale at
>   The old lang/php4 and lang/php5 ports have been splitted into 'base' 
> PHP,
>   PEAR, and shared extensions to allow more flexibility and add new 
> features.
>   Upgrading your current PHP installation will result in a 'base' PHP
>   installation (no PEAR and no extensions).
>   PEAR can be found in the new devel/php4-pear and devel/php5-pear 
> ports, while
>   the set of PHP extensions to install can be choosen via the 
> meta-ports
>   lang/php4-extensions and lang/php5-extensions, or installing singular
>   extensions individually.

I went ahead and did a lang/php5-extensions install this morning on a 
server I was setting up and everything compiled fine, but the 
php_info() didn't list any of the extensions. After searching for way 
too long, I finally found the answer at
> "You have to add the extensions to php.ini, make sure the extensions 
> directory is listed, for php4 it is /usr/local/lib/php/20020429
> The default value in php.ini is ./ which doesn't work"

I commented out the extension_dir line instead of setting it to 
/usr/local/lib/php/20020429 and that worked as well
; Directory in which the loadable extensions (modules) reside.
; extension_dir = "./"

I've only done this with 5, but I'm pretty sure that's the way 4 works 
now as well....

Jeff Knight
putamare not junk at

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