[nycphp-talk] Access an element of a method that returns an ar ray

David Sklar sklar at
Wed Jul 21 11:48:58 EDT 2004

If you're interested in hacking around, I think the place to start if 
you want to change this is about line 744 of 
Zend/zend_language_parser.y, where the syntax for when a "variable" can 
appear in a program is described. "base_variable_with_function_calls" 
can have an object operator ( -> ) after it, but not array dimension 
operators (square brackets).


Fan, Wellington wrote:

> David, et al,
> Yes, thanks. I was afraid the answer would be 'it just doesn't work like
> that' and it's too bad.
> Oh well.
> --
> Wellington

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